What Should I do if I Find a Nest of Baby Skunks?

Human beings are kind-hearted animals that always like to look out after the underdog. This is why when we come across a group of baby animals we feel the need to care for them. Just think about how people react when they find a nest of baby Charleston birds, or a lost kitten or puppy. Even a baby squirrel or raccoon draws compassion from the average person. There is a desire to want to help these baby animals.

The truth is that without their mother, these South Carolina animals are going to die 99.9 percent of the time. They are simply not equipped to be able to care for themselves and predators see these critters as the ultimate solution to a tasty meal.

It is these kinds of things that really pull on the heartstrings of so many people. They want to be able to look out for the underdog no matter what kind of animal it is. It is just something instinctual. The question becomes what to do if you come across a nest of baby Charleston skunks? Most of us see these cute animals and think how adorable they look, but we are quickly reminded that these are skunks after all. While the babies don’t have the ability to spray that noxious stuff, they will grow up to be adults at some point and then they will be spraying people and other animals like any other South Carolina skunk. So are they worth saving?

That is a good question, and if you feel so compelled to do so, then there are a couple of things you can do to help them. First of all, you need to realize that you should not try to take care of these animals on your own. That is out. It is just not safe. Your options begin with looking into seeing if your local Charleston city animal control unit will take them. They may do so, primarily because most local governments don’t want a bunch of these animals wandering around, especially if it is more urbanized area. If not, then look at the local wildlife preserve. They may be willing to come and get them, but it is more likely that they will demand that you bring the animals to them. They just aren’t equipped to pick up these animals in most cases, but will care for them if you bring the South Carolina animals to them.

If you opt for this choice, then make sure that you wear gloves and cover your skin as much as possible. You also want to cover your eyes and mouth when around them so that you do not breathe in anything from them. They will carry parasites and you can even breathe these in.

Visit our Charleston wildlife control home page to learn more about us.